The rock quarry
I had gone to the quarry
just to see
the twelve off springs
whom the parachi***
had given birth.
Not having my name in the partition deed,
and not having my descendant
among the twelve children,
are, as told by mother,
for having broken
the canons of the age.
Mother did not fail to remind
that the life span of
the boiling brain
and burning body
is only that of
an ejaculation
and what goes wrong
on dreary dusks
is the order of my
immoral licentiousness.
I went on learning
the holy books of intercourse
keeping the contraceptive sheaths
as sentries and guards.
In the moonlight, pale in rain,
touching fingers on the blood stain
upon the skin of virginity
I sighed
upon their women hood
upon their soft, wet noises
I had gone to the quarry
Just to see
The twelve off springs
Whom the parachi
had given birth.
*** A legendary female character in Indian Mythology.
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